Dispatches from Kovai, India

Kovai – Coimbatore, India – also known as Manchester of India, and various monickers for its beautiful weather, Tamil dialect, and cool weather at foothills of the Nilgiris-Ooty mountain range and clear waters from Sravani river, it is a microcosm of all that is nice and beautiful in முல்லை Tamilnadu.

Our team of fearless open-source enthusiasts añd contributing developers of open-tamil project, Shrinivasan and our newest contributor this year Syed Abuthahir made an impressive presentation at the conference, and gained new clients for the open-tamil library demonstrating the prowess of various tools, particularly from the web-interface http://tamilpesu.us

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Growth and evolution of Open-Tamil – presented at TNAU, Coimbatore. Full slides here

Syed has gladly shared the presentation with me, and I put it up on slideshare for all of us to read/comment. Thanks to all earnest contributions of time, effort, code and thought towards this project over the years!

Best Regards,
